
1. Real time card issuance and management. Can quickly open virtual credit cards for users, achieving online management of card numbers, setting limits and transaction rules, and other functions

2. Multi channel consumption support. Support various online and offline consumption scenarios, such as in app consumption, online payment, and physical merchant POS consumption

3. Real time accounting query. Users can query real-time accounting information such as bills, recharge records, and transaction records

4. Fund recharge and withdrawal. Supports multiple recharge methods and timely withdrawals to bank cards for payment

5. Secure payment experience. Using encryption technology to ensure transaction security and prevent risks such as network attacks and information leakage

6. Multi channel service support. Provide multi port access to the service system, including apps, PC web pages, WeChat mini programs, and more

7. Personal information and password management. Users can manage their personal information, payment passwords, and other private information on their own

8. Points and discount system. Design incentive mechanisms such as point cashback to increase user stickiness

9. Comprehensive customer service support. Improve user experience and efficiency in answering questions

Xoocity is a global WEB3 commercial metaverse with a focus on cultural and artistic exchange between the East and the West. Through the CitiFi model and leveraging blockchain technology, Xoocity facilitates borderless cultural integration, offering diverse products and services such as enterprise metaverse construction, cross border B2B2C marketplaces, brand NFT design, and digital asset development.
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